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Blueberry (Riviere-eternite soaps)
Savonnerie au pays des bleuets Saguenay Quebec Blueberry country soap saguenay Quebec

solid perfume Savonnerie saguenay
Barre de parfum solide solid perfume bar

boite cadeau savonnerie saguenay
Nous testons et inventons toujours des produits nouveaux et améliorés

Blueberry (Riviere-eternite soaps)
Savonnerie au pays des bleuets Saguenay Quebec Blueberry country soap saguenay Quebec
Thank you and stay clean!
Bear Fat Products -
Blueberry Country soap
This line offers items with bear grease / fat, which are AMAZING to relieve aches and pains, the Amerindians use it to grow hair, as a pain reliever, to waterproof clothes and shoes; On its own, it does not smell good, but it is very effective in reducing pain. Is anti-inflammatory and loaded with skin-nutrition-goodness.
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